half fall half spring tree drawing
Below you'll find a step-by-step tutorial for how to draw a fall tree and a fall tree coloring page. I'll even show you how you can change the size of the leaves to give your students a quick lesson in perspective. Let's get started!

Fall Tree Tutorial Video
A simple rule of perspective is included in this lesson about how to draw a fall tree. When students change up in the size of the leaves that are swirling around a tree on a fall day, they can see how this idea works, while making a really pretty fall drawing.
This fall tree, for instance, is set off to the side so that some colorful leaves can easily fill in the open blue sky. When students add just one or two leaves that are much larger than the rest, they will get some instant depth in their drawing.
It's helpful to remind students that when they draw their leaves, they need to be all the same type, or kind of shape. That's the best way for the viewer to be able to understand they are all coming from the same tree, and are not just bigger leaves from somewhere else.
Getting Started with Drawing Guides
The best way to get students off to a good start to any drawing lesson is to show them how to use guides as a reference point.

You may have noticed that all of the tutorials on this website have a dashed line running through the center of each step, both in a horizontal and vertical direction. If students make theirown centered lines on theirown paper, before drawing, they will have an easy reference to follow.
For instance, as seen in Step 1 below, the drawing starts with a hill and a large trunk shape on the right. It's important that trunk shape extends above that center horizontal line so students end up with a large tree that fills their paper.
When students get their drawing off to a good start, there's a better chance of them feeling successful by the time they are done. Drawing skills are all about getting the size and placement of lines on paper. Having some visual reference point to get started, will always help anyone learn how to be a little more accurate.
So does that mean students need to get out a ruler to draw a big fat line down the center of their paper before they start? Goodness no, please don't! That will most likely be hard to erase and distract from any finished art. No, simply fold the sheet of paper in half both ways, make a crease, and unfold. The beauty is that by the time the drawing is done and colored in, the creases will disappear.
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Fall Tree Coloring Page

Materials for Fall Tree Drawing
- Drawing Paper. This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
- Pencils. Don't waste your money on the cheapest brand. These make nice dark lines.
- Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a nice dark black color.
- Crayons. I like this non-toxic brand that is made from beeswax, not petroleum by-products.
- Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.
Directions to Draw a Fall Tree Step by Step
Time needed:30 minutes.
How to Draw a Fall Tree
- Draw a hill across the paper.
- Add a simple tree trunk on the right side.
- Erase the line inside, and draw a tree shape around it.
- Draw a large bush on the left.
- Erase the line inside and add another bush.
- Add an assortment of leaves in the tree.
- Draw a few small leaves that are blowing away.
- Add a few more leaves that are closer and larger.
- Trace with marker and color.
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Watercolor Resist Fall Tree Painting

More Fall Drawing Projects

Source: https://artprojectsforkids.org/how-to-draw-a-fall-tree/
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